Words of Gratitude2023-07-14T21:44:44+00:00
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Words of Gratitude

Patients share their stories and express their appreciation for the care they received at UHS facilities.

Southwest Healthcare Palmdale Regional Medical Center

The Birth Place is Honored to Care for its Tiniest Patients and their Families

Our hearts were warmed when Bitia and Caleb shared their experience with us after having their twins delivered at The Birth Place, Southwest Healthcare Palmdale Regional Medical Center’s new maternity unit. Watch as the parents describe their experience and what it meant to them to be treated as special guests.

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Bitia and Caleb with twins and older daughter

Skywood Recovery

“I am writing to you, over four years sober and, thanks to Skywood, I never looked back.”

therapist compassionately holding hands with patient

Those 29 days were by far some of the best of my life. I went there having no idea what to expect, except for what you tend to see in the movies. The staff was welcoming, they kept you engaged with classes and activities, I made some great friends, and the food was amazing!

I am writing to you, over four years sober and, thanks to Skywood, I never looked back. I was able to turn my life around and return to the person I knew I was. I’ve often said I wish I could go back just for a mental wellness retreat.

Thank you to everyone who helped me find my way back. I am eternally grateful.

Learn more about Skywood Recovery in Augusta, Michigan »